Blog Preston Article
Blog Preston highlighting "No Whispers" a new training opportunity for volunteers and professionals in Child Sexual & Criminal Exploitation.
BBC Radio Lancashire Interview
BBC Radio Lancashire Interview with Brett Davison Re Child Sexual Exploitation 20th Jan 2020 Part 1 Part 2
A Quick Review Of 2019
C.A.T. a quick review …. 2019 has been a hectic, interesting and challenging year, beginning with the “No Whispers” Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Training Project for [...]
Parents are warned about sick pictures on chat sites
Very happy to have been asked to contribute to this excellent article by Stef Hall from the [...]
“See Me, Hear Me, Help Me”
"No Whispers" is an innovative project designed to train Volunteers to become Champions in Child Sexual Exploitation [...]
“No Whispers” Volunteer Training Project Radio Interview
Recently I was interviewed by Leyland Festival Radio about my new Project entitle "No Whispers" which was [...]
“Nightmares on my street?” Social Media and Child Sexual Exploitation. Training at UCLan
Brief summary: This half day workshop will look at the significance and impact of social media in [...]
“No Whispers” CSE Project for Volunteers
VOLUNTEER TRAINING An innovative project to train Volunteers from different Community groups to become Champions in Social [...]
Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Conference 2018
For the second year I attended the "Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Conference" in London at Euston Square [...]