An innovative project to train Volunteers from different Community groups to become Champions in Social Media and Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness.
To identify signs of exploitation, understand the impact and misuse of social media, knowledge of Safeguarding and reporting and offer support and improved well being to children and young people.
Achievement of Awards event for the Volunteer Champions.
Creation of a Video Resource for all participants.
C.A.T. Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Training.
UCLan Propeller Enterprise Award.
“No Whispers” is an innovative C.A.T. project working in partnership with Preston City Council Community Safety Partnership. The idea is to train Volunteer workers from different Community groups to become Champions in Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Social Media Awareness.
An informal evening will give Volunteers a chance to meet Karen Livesey, complete an Application form, find out about the workshops and ask any questions.
Monday 25th Feb 6.00 – 9.00 p.m. Room A, Preston Town Hall. PR1 2RL.
Also, Line managers from the different organisations are invited to attend an information session with regards to supporting Volunteers as part of this Project.
Tuesday 12th Feb 10.00 – 12.00 a.m. Function Room, Preston Town Hall. PR1 2RL
The sessions will take place on Monday evenings for six weeks with a Celebration Achievement Awards event at UCLan on completion.
Sessions starting
Monday March 4th 6.00 – 9.00 p.m. – each week until April 8th .
A video resource will be created as part of the workshops and available to each person at the end of the project.
Interested Volunteers need to be 18 + with DBS clearance and currently working as a Volunteer.
If you would like to participate please complete and return the Application form below. For further details contact Karen Livesey